Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jimmy....................Jimmy Lewis

Another pic of home boy ripping it at Puerto on a Jimmy Lewis 10' SUP. These boards mean business and as you can see have no limitations. Dude holding the other Jimmy Lewis SUP board will soon be a molded production 9'4" SUP board. I hope to get my hands on one soon. Like I always say, come down to BlueLine and find your SUP board. If you want a SUP board that rips in big surf I will be more than happy to set you up. We don't just talk the talk we walk the walk. If you think your ready for some advanced SUP surfing lessons let us help you out. We have a highly skilled staff to make it happen. Of course I will have to get my cast off first but we have a couple of other guys that are qualified like Hawaii boy RP or the infamous Marathon Man. OUT.

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