Another successful Friendship paddle. This year we took off from the west end of Santa Cruz Island on Saturday morning and paddled across the Santa Barbara Channel to Carp State Beach just south of Santa Barbara. After getting some great waves the day before on a nearby island we took off about 7am Saturday and never looked back. Along the way we tangled with sharks coming by for a look and giant cargo ships buzzing by us. Yup, sharks and ships. Not sure which one was worse. I think I set the word record for falling off a SUP board and getting back on. After watching the first shark buzz my board I fell in trying to see where it went. You have never seen someone jump back on a board so fast. I must have been in the water for about 3 seconds. What a great event and for a great cause. Thanks to Stace Chevarez and his legendary urchin boat, the Florentina Maria for being our support again this year. I couldn't think of a better boat to be on with a better guy. If you have read the book Bluewater Goldrush you know the boat I'm talking about. Last year we paddled from Point Conception to Santa Barbara and I have to admit that this years paddle kicked my ass more than last year. Can't wait till next years paddle. OUT.
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